“And above all these things put on charity which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in your heart, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” (Colossians 3:14-16, KJV).

Have you ever noticed the times Scripture instructs us to “let” this or that transpire in our lives? For example, here are two from Colossians; “Let the peace of God rule” and “let the Word of God dwell.” How often are we embroiled in turmoil, wondering which route to take? Do I take that job? Am I supposed to continue my education? Is he/she the person I am to marry? Where is the money for (insert your circumstance) coming from? I am sure this sounds familiar.
Pastor Keith Moore often says, “You cannot leave up to God what He has left up to you” (2019). As believers, we have a responsibility to do our part. God is on the scene. He is doing His part, but if we are dilatory or negligent in accomplishing what He has given us to do, His hands are tied. It will appear that God is not working when it is not God stopping the flow of provision. It is us!
These words may sound harsh, but we must take responsibility for our actions. The passage in Colossians says, “let the peace of God rule in your heart” and “let the Word of God dwell in you richly.” It is evident from other passages in the Scriptures that without the Word dwelling, peace will not rule, but how do peace and the Word rule and dwell? We must allow it. In other words, we are responsible for granting the Word of God access to our hearts and lives. We are accountable for allowing the peace of God room to rule in our hearts.
You might ask, how is that achieved? How do I ‘let’ the Word dwell and the peace of God rule? Scripture teaches us that Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6, KJV). It also teaches us He is the Word made flesh (John 1:14, KJV). Jesus’ physical body was a manifestation of God's spoken word like the earth, sea, sky, and all of creation. When Mary heard the words from the angel, she received the Word, and it “became” within her. Allowing the Word to dwell in us is no different from what Mary did. She heard the Word; she received and took it as her own, then watched over it until it manifested. When we are faithful to take the Word and cultivate it, it will grow up and become in our lives.
It is from fellowshipping with the Lord in the Word that the peace of God rules in our hearts. Knowledge of Scripture and trusting the Truth (Jesus and His words) brings us to the place of following the Good Shepherd. We are His sheep. We hear and know His voice (John 10:4, 27, KJV). So often, we perceive something is not right, and we get a check in our spirit/heart. We are vacillating. We are unsure, unsettled. That is a sign peace is not present. It is time to exit. Do not proceed further. If the Prince of Peace is not present, the result will not be pleasant.
I have experienced that grating in my spirit, yuck, yuck, yuck, but went on in my way. I lived to regret it. One such incident was an eleven-month downhill spiraling journey that started with gentle whispers from the Lord, “Leave it alone.” I repeatedly rejected His instruction and ended up in full-blown panic attacks, nearly consumed by fear and rage because I had drifted so far from my moorings. Thanks be to God for praying parents who stood in faith against the devil that was trying to take my life.
There is much to be said for closely following peace. When peace and the Word reside in your heart, a foundation of expectation for God's goodness will manifest in your life. When we allow the Word and peace primary prominence, we are in our happy place, the place of Grace. So, until next time, keep letting the Word dwell and God’s peace rule as you follow the Good Shepherd’s voice.